Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Reflective Running"

Riding along roads at 3 am you are usually the only thing out, well you and random wildlife. As I was delivering papers this morning I came up to the end of my route and was delivering papers to an apartment complex and noticed 2 people walking and one had the BRIGHT blinking light connected to their shirt. I consider myself a "leisure" runner so I know why people wear things like that, for safety, and make sure motorists and other people can see them but at the same time I'm thinking if you have to go through all that trouble just to be seen, would it hurt to wait 30 more minutes. I was tempted to ask if they wanted to get some exercise then grab some papers and run up these stairs with me! Anyway I finished up my route and about to turn into my neighborhood when I saw some reflective thing on the side of the road and it was moving...a runner wearing a reflective vest. The thing was huge and couldn't be comfortable, again I understand why they wear these things but again would it hurt to wait or run at night.

Paper Route thought of the day: If you need to resemble a lighthouse or emergency flashers, or if you need more reflection than a landing strip you might want to go back to bed.

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